新闻稿 Aug 6, 2020




DALLAS, Aug. 2020年6月6日/美通社/—— Jacobs (NYSE:J) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory recently built a new calibration device for the Mars Perseverance Rover which will seek signs of past microbial life and collect rock and soil samples. 7月30日推出, 2020, 美国宇航局的火星毅力探测器将在7个月的时间内到达这颗红色星球. 一旦着陆, 火星车将使用几种分析科学仪器来寻找火星上曾经有生命的迹象.    

其中一种设备被称为用拉面扫描可居住环境 & 有机和化学品的发光, or SHERLOC, 将用于探测火星表面可能存在古代生命的化学物质. The Science team at Jacobs working in the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Division at NASA Johnson Space Center built a new calibration device to check SHERLOC's function and properly tune it for use on the surface of Mars and throughout the duration of the Mars 2020 mission. 

"NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover is equipped with sophisticated scientific instruments to aid in the search for signs of past life on Mars,Jacobs Critical Mission Solutions高级副总裁Steve Arnette说. "The calibration device is another example of Jacobs' longstanding partnership with NASA in delivering innovative technologies that lead to scientific discoveries."

The calibration device is mounted on the front of the rover so that researchers can check SHERLOC's analytical instrumentation's accuracy by directing it to scan the baseline materials on the calibration target. The researchers will know in advance what the readings on those materials should be when SHERLOC is working correctly. 如果实际读数不正确, they can make adjustments to SHERLOC to get it set properly or know to compensate for the errors when they analyze the data later.

"The rover's scientific instruments go through all sorts of harsh conditions from the time they leave the lab until they arrive on the surface of Mars,雅各布斯的首席科学家特雷弗·格拉夫说. "SHERLOC needed a way to make sure it still operates as expected once it's on the surface and throughout the duration of the mission."

探测车上还有一块火星陨石, 是1999年在地球上发现的吗, 它将返回火星表面进行进一步的科学研究. 研究人员计划密切观察陨石样本,看看火星环境如何随着时间的推移而改变它, 这将有助于他们了解火星表面和大气层之间的化学相互作用.

At Jacobs, 我们今天面临的挑战是,通过解决世界上最关键的问题,重塑城市的明天, 有弹性的环境, 关键任务的结果, 业务发展, 科学发现和尖端制造, 把抽象的想法变成现实,永远改变世界. 营收130亿美元,员工超过55人,000, 雅各布斯提供全方位的专业服务,包括咨询, technical, 为政府和私营部门提供科学和项目交付. Visit 和雅各布斯联系 FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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